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Recent Game Reviews

2 Game Reviews


The gameplay it's Incredible!
I liked so much the inspiration on the Touhou gameplay and the level design are very well made.

The programming it's Incredible, all the programming works really great, don't having bugs or error or something else.

The Art are really great, I liked that chibi versions of the characters and monsters in the game, looks pretty great.

The Musics is such Incredible!
All the songs on the game are memorable and have a professional quality.

Good work, Matt and Phyrnna!

This is probably the best game I've ever played on Newgrounds!

The programming is really good, not having any bugs that hinder the experience.

The Animations are also good, all of them are really expressive, especially on the animations of the Attacks, Special Attacks and Limit Breaks.

The Art Style is my favorite part in the game, all the Art Style is really unique, the colors are really flashy, all the expressions are really good and in general, the Art Style is Incredible.

The Music is another good thing, is Incredible and really unique and all of them are memorable.

All the characters are really good written, all of them are carismatic and with a good design and personality.

In general, This game is Amazing and probably on of the best of the site.

Good Job, Matt and Phyrnna!

Recent Art Reviews

2 Art Reviews


The variations of colors and some shadows and sparkles are really great.

The Dress and Hair are also great, the way you drew the dress and hair and the colors for both are really Incredible.

This is probably one of my favorite piece of art here on Newgrounds

The anotomy is the best part of the Art, it's well done and have so much good details like on the muscles and on the feet and arms.

The Colors are also quite good, the colors are attractive and the shadows and sparkles are also Incredible.

The expression are simple but at the same time, with the help of your art style, makes the expression good.

And some details like the cigarette it's a really good touch, good.

This is [For Me] one of the best arts here on NeoGeo dot com.

Continue with the Incredible Job.

DragonFetus responds:

Bro <3 <3


Cartaxo, Portugal

Joined on 7/24/24

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